A person is always influenced by the nine planets of the universe and these nine planets directly or indirectly affects a person’s life. As per marriage prediction, If the planets are in their actual position in a person’s janam kundali then they make that person’s all the work to be done easier and without any hindrances and on the contrary if the planets are in bad location in another person’s janam undali then they can make that person’s life hell and he or she always gets unsuccessful in his life. And among these planets after the planet Saturn the most effectual planet is Mars which always affects a person’s life. Manglik dosh affects the person’s business, job, marital life, fortune, career and health and so on. We are offering manglik dosh in hindi analysis.
If there is a bond between the owner of the ascendant place and the owner of the best house, then in such a situation, the love of the native becomes the sum of marriage. Marriage factor, the planets of the Solar System, Guru and Venus are considered to be the causative planets of marriage. In the horoscope of the girls, the sin of the guru is in effect and the sin of Venus in the horoscope of the boy is in the effect creates the sum of love marriage.
As per love marriage yog in astrology, the seventh place of the horoscope is the place of marriage. When the seventh or seventh relationship is formed with the owner of the third, fifth, ninth, eleventh and twelfth house, a person with such horoscope is married. According to the love marriage yog in astrology if Panchamesh and Saptamesh are together in any of the third, fifth, seventh, eleventh and twelfth house, then the native will surely perform a love marriage. If Saptamesh is related to Panchamesh, then the love of a person becomes the sum of marriage. For further details and solution for love marriage yog in kindly, contact us.