Zodiac signs according to birth date
AQUARIUS ZODIAC SIGN SWAMI GRAH: URANUS - Uranus is treated as a different and amazing in terms of planet. As it is different, it is deeply connected with you. Uranus can free your stress. Actually it is responsible in astrology which brings suddenness. It encourages you to fight against injustice and freedom of speech.
AQUARIUS ZODIAC SIGN ELEVENTH SESSION: FUTURE - This eleventh session is called the home of friends, expectations and dreams. Those who support you friend. This is related to your routine responsibility. Apart from it is like you optimistic situations. Where whether you become successful or not, to like the dreams is important.
AQUARIUS ZODIAC SIGN TATVA: VAYU - This vayu word related to protest. This is connected with you, you give importance to your intelligence when work. You are born speaker, you have good command over language. You can be light and polite but your words may have the power of a quake.
Aquarius zodiac signs according to birth date – Date of Birth in between 20 January to 18 February
Cancer zodiac sign swami grah: moon - Moon change its shape. It can never be same for two consecutive nights. it rotates around the earth once in a month. It is the symbol of your requirements and controls your talk with others.
Cancer zodiac sign fourth session: home and family - Those who are born in cancer zodiac sign are religious. they make a long family. you have motherhood quality because forth session reflects about mother. you love to maintain others and you always attach with your childhood family members and neighbour.
Cancer zodiac sign tatva: water - kark water tatva is an important member. Astrologers also represent the water so either your feelings are like similar to water or lake. It is like the unmanaged lake. Your feelings sometimes choose the path of a river which affects your behaviour. But are deep always.
Cancer zodiac signs according to birth date – Date of Birth in between 21 June to 22 July
Capricorn zodiac sign SWAMI GRAH: SHANI - This word relates to a devil. This is the symbol of restrictions. If you are living in the restrictions then you are wasting your time. But if you are doing your work spiritually then you acquire knowledge which is beyond imagination. It simply denotes the way you are capable of the same you will get. You can be into trouble while taking risks. But if you are honest and and work with loyalty then you will be awarded.
Capricorn zodiac sign TENTH SESSION: CAREER - This session denotes your father home and affects your work and career. It also gives this message to you what is the opinion of others for you. You can rely on it for your social and business like situations.
Capricorn zodiac sign TATVA : EARTH - Your zodiac sign symbol is earth. Which has the significance of behaviour. You are also behaved but you lack patience. Your all acts are pre planned and performed with full planning. You can never tolerate insecurity and work defined success. You are one of them who believe after seeing. You believe only on those things which are being searched. They love the truth. Because you are down to earth and others also give you the suggestions.
Capricorn zodiac signs according to birth date – Date of Birth in between 22 December to 19 January
PISCES ZODIAC SIGN SWAMI GRAH: NEPTUNE - Neptune is the god of the sea. Because it is expected that the earth is born in the sea and it is expected to get merged into it. It can be compared with the dew which is not visible for you. Also you need to have trust in yourself and try to find out the way of outside.
PISCES ZODIAC SIGN TWELVETH SESSION: END - Twelfth home is of meen rahsi. It is not actually about end but it denotes about zodiac sign end. It is about feelings, surrender and illusion. It is the only place where you can think beyond your boundaries and identify where you gone wrong and again you can rectify it.
PISCES ZODIAC SIGN TATVA: JAL - See the coincidence your symbol is fish and your tatva is water. These kind of people are emotional. As water you went on it the deep water. Your feelings have never been alike. Your changing mood is very common. You live in your world of believe and thoughts. Sometimes you relate yourself with other’s thoughts, your this attitude makes you special.
Pisces zodiac signs according to birth date – Date of Birth in between 19 February to 20 March
braspati comes at number five and is a wide planet. it is like the king of so many big things. but it is also said that “aati sarvada varjyate” means the desire of everything is bad. braspati encourages you to spent more and more and to get so much involve in a certain activity. It is like the contact lens which shows this small opportunity bigger than life. Maybe it shows with bravery that there is something which is bigger than you.
Sagittarius zodiac sign ninth stage: tour - This third stage is about a tour, the ninth have explained about the long tour. this explains the county tour, education and expected braveness.
Sagittarius zodiac sign tatva: agni - You come under agni tatva which is full of energy. like fire, you are always energetic and never feel tired. This reflects your work. Mostly you do not have any previous planning you work without thinking. You never stop yourself from entering into any activates. But still your energy is positive always not negative. Those who are close to your heart you are always good for them.
Sagittarius zodiac signs according to birth date – Date of Birth in between 22 November to 21 December
Virgo zodiac sign swami grah: buddh - kanya is buddh grah which not only denotes their thoughts but also the way you work. this is good for knowledge of grah. This makes the circular movement with sun more than any other grah. buddh is responsible for your mind intelligence so that you can make difference in good or bad.
virgo zodiac sign sixth session: work - Sixth session relates to your work performance and not necessarily relates to your career only. this affects your personal life and responsibility irrespective of your work with whom you earn your bread. This is that place where you are always in search of health and medical knowledge. this not only affects the daily routine but also affects the cleanliness.
virgo zodiac sign tatva: prathvi - You are so good in your thoughts. You are extremely intelligent. You have that capability with which you can identify the frauds. According to astrology you keep you foot tightly on the ground means you only accepts those things which are true. You are not in your dream world, this is the reason that why your suggestions are more valuable than others.
Virgo zodiac signs according to birth date – Date of Birth in between 23 August to 22 September
leo zodiac sign swami grah: surva - Your main grah is sun which is like the head of all the mandals. it gives light to all the zodiac signs and also provides energy to all. According to astrology sun is the denotes the will. it acts like a fuel to us and gives the reason to our life. it also highlights that you give nourishment to life and have the capability to clean the whole world.
Leo zodiac sign fifth session: child - It strongly relates to a child only. And so you like a kid express your emotions and behaviour. Even when you grow old till then also it affects your behaviour and it is best seen when you play with kids in their way. Also it also denotes a romantic love. It is also called the joyful house.
Leo zodiac sign tatva: agni - Your main tatva is agni. You are known for your excitement and energy. Your energy never went off with time. You have positive energy and also fill others also with the same. Although, like fire you could not do plan for the next coming things. You can be open with your work. You have the quality of strong leadership and so you are always considered. you are sharp as fire and never get satisfied.
Leo zodiac signs according to birth date – Date of Birth in between 23 July to 22 August
SCORPIO zodiac sign SWAMI GRAH PLUTO - Pluto is god of underworld. If this situation is scary for you then there is a need for explanation. In terms of swami grah Pluto is bright and strong and elaborated those things which are beyond our imagination. Due to their bright rays their nay is a drastic change.
SCORPIO zodiac sign EIGHTH SESSION PLUTO - Because the second house denotes the wealth just opposite to it this eighth house reflects the house of people around and what they have. It also includes youth affairs which generally includes the some other people matters also. Death- can be the last level of change but not necessary that it is about your own death. It can be about those things which we people can not understand. It is the hidden house.
SCORPIO zodiac sign TATVA JAL - You are the member of jal group. Astrological effects which come under it their structure is emotional. As there are many depths of water like deep sea the same is found in you also. For you it is always difficult that to predict that under what circumstances how you react. Irrespective of that as there is suspense in the depth of the sea the same is with you as well, you also can be strange.
Scorpio zodiac signs according to birth date – Date of Birth in between 23 October to 21 November
More zodiac signs according to birth date
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